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  • Calendar | Utah Democrats

    SHARED GOOGLE CALENDAR FOR ALL COUNTIES AND THE UDP. SEND THE URL FOR YOUR COUNTY CALENDAR TO BE ADDED TO THE I.T. COMMITTEE.Use Agenda to select calendars HOME Calendar Candidates Caucuses Committees Counties Documents Helpdesk Site Map Search

  • Training | Utah Democrats

    County Chair Training UNIT 01 Neighborhood Caucuses Four things you need to know: Happens only in election (even) years Elect Delegates to the County and State Conventions Happens across the state on the same night State Party provides all materials, County party provides space Neighborhood caucus meetings are something that each county party must execute every two years. The neighborhood caucus meetings must be held on a date selected by the Utah State Democratic Party, which will be communicated to the county parties well in advance, and will always be during March of each election (even numbered) year. Depending on the size of your county, you may decide to hold several meetings across the county. For example, Salt Lake County typically holds one meeting for each legislative district in the county, where rural counties might hold just one meeting in the county seat. The primary purpose of the neighborhood caucus meetings is to elect delegates to the county convention, but this is also a great time to collect updated contact information from the Democrats in your county. Several weeks prior to the caucus meeting night, you will receive a packet from the State Party containing a sample agenda, informational materials, and everything else you'll need to hold the meeting - including caucus attendee forms. A version of this packet will also be provided at the end of this handbook, for your reference. All the county party has to do is provide a location (or several locations) and administer the meeting. It's important that every attendee fill out the caucus attendee form, even if they aren't interested in becoming a delegate; this form allows us to collect accurate information for each Democrat who attends, including updated contact information, volunteer interests they might have, and allows them to join an issue or membership caucus. The State Central Committee will set the date for neighborhood caucuses in Quarter 3 or Quarter 4 2023. UNIT 02 Conventions There are two types of county conventions - organizing conventions (odd years) and nominating conventions (even years). All county conventions must occur prior to the State Convention. The two conventions are very similar in execution, but we'll outline them here separately. ​ County Organizing Convention Three things you need to know: Happens only in odd years Elects county party officers Great opportunity to discuss bylaws/constitutional changes Appoint delegate vacancies The primary purpose of an organizing convention is to elect county party officers. While bylaws and constitutions vary county to county, each county is required to have, at least, a Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer. In some rural counties, county parties may only have one or two of these positions filled. Delegates, who were mostly elected at the previous year's neighborhood caucus meetings, will be the eligible voters to elect county party leaders. Organizing Conventions are also a great time to take care of any other party business. For example, organizing conventions are a good time for smaller counties to appoint delegate vacancies (since they will have been elected over a year ago, you're likely to have some vacancies), discuss and vote on any changes to your county constitution and bylaws, and get updates from the State Party about what's being done to help win bigger for the next election cycle. In organizing years, there will also be elections held for State Democratic Party Executive Committee positions, so some of those candidates will likely try to make it to as many county conventions as possible. Organizing years are also a great time for State Party staff and current Executive Committee members to travel the state, so be on the lookout for some of those folks coming around. If your convention is a small one, it may be a good idea to allow all candidates who show up a time to speak. If it's larger, you may only want to allow the State Party Chair time to address your full convention. It is wise to schedule the organizing convention so that it doesn't conflict with other conventions, and you may be more likely to have candidates and visitors from the State Party if you group together with other counties in your area when scheduling, especially for counties in the southern half of Utah. 2023 UDP County Party Manual.pdf ​ TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER FROM THE CHAIR AND CONTACT SHEET 4 Letter From the Chair 4 Contact Sheet 5 PARTY ACTIVITIES 7 Neighborhood Caucuses 7 Conventions 8 County Organizing Convention 8 Sample Agenda 9 County Nominating Convention 10 Sample Agenda 10 State Convention 11 Party Organization 12 Executive Committee 12 Central Committee 12 Party Committees 12 Caucuses 13 UDP Committees and Organizations 14 FINANCE AND FUNDRAISING 16 Introduction 16 Finance Laws and Regulations 16 Fundraising Mechanics 17 Common Misunderstandings 18 Fundraising Options 20 Call Time 20 One on Ones 20 Events 20 Give & Get 21 House Parties 21 Calls w/ the Candidate 21 List Building 21 Online, Email & Web 21 Direct Mail 22 List Expansion and Technology 22 Building a Finance Plan 24 Finance Plan Best Practices 24 How to Make an Ask 25 Sample Script 26 COMMUNICATIONS 28 Social Media 28 Overview 28 The Three Major Social Media Platforms 28 General Social Best Practices 31 Uses for Social Media 31 ACTION 31 AWARENESS 32 ENGAGEMENT 32 EVENTS 32 Press 34 Media Advisories (Media Alert) and Press Releases 34 Tips for Speaking to Press 36 Email Marketing 36 Best Practices 36 Sample Email 36 ELECTION ACTIVITIES 39 Roles of the State Party, County Parties, 39 and Campaigns 39 State Party's Role 39 County Party's Role 40 Campaign / Candidate Role 40 Candidate Recruitment 41 Gathering Names 41 Closing the deal 42 Make it official 42 Other Things to be Aware Of 42 Vote by Mail/PVBM 42 Election Day Voter Registration 42 FIELD ORGANIZING 44 Field and Votebuilder 44 Why field matters: 44 Votebuilder 44 Campaign Phases 46 Capacity Building 46 Persuasion 47 Get out the Vote (GOTV) 47 Types of Voter Contact 49 Doors 49 Phones 49 Texts 49 Digital 49 Relational Organizing 50 Sample Field Plan 51 HD 45 Capacity Building 53 HD 45 Persuasion 54 HD 45 GOTV 55 Votebuilder Lists and Scores 56 Cutting Turf 56 Creating a Phonebank 58 Votebuilder Scores 61 GOTV SCRIPT 62 Generic County Wide, State House, State Senate 63 Generic Countywide, House Dist, Senate Dist, US House, Senate 64 VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT SCRIPT 64 MASTER SURVEY QUESTIONS (MSQ’s) 66 APPENDIX 67 Additional Resources 67 Letter From the Chair ​ First of all, thank you for your commitment to building and sustaining the Democratic Party in your community. You are truly the heart of our party, and your work at the grassroots level is invaluable. As a former county party leader, I understand how hard the work is, but I also understand how deeply important it is, and I want you to know that the Utah Democratic Party is here to support you. You and I both know that there are no “off-years” in politics, least of all for state and county parties, and 2023 is no exception. The work we do this year will be essential building blocks for our success in 2024 and beyond, and that starts with leaders like you. In order to build for lasting change, we must invest in building our party’s power at every level of government, in every county, and in every community. This year, we have exceptional opportunities across the state to elect municipal leaders who will fight for our values and strengthen our bench for future races, to begin recruiting and training candidates for 2024, and to build a grassroots movement for change in our state. But it’s going to take all of us working together to make those things happen, which is why we are committed to investing in and supporting county parties and their leaders as you do the work every single day to build Democratic power in Utah. Even though it might not always feel like it, what you do matters. Thank you again for all of your hard work and dedication. Sincerely, Diane Lewis Utah Democratic Party Chair Contact Sheet Position Name Phone Email Chair Diane Lewis 801-963-1784 Vice Chair Oscar Mata 801-388-2358 Secretary Liz Weight 801-245-9749 Treasurer Kathy Long 435-477-2093 National Committee Member Ross Romero 801-455-2212 ross@inclusionstrategies.n et National Committee Member Darlene McDonald 801-835-8200 Executive Director Thom DeSirant 240-285-1682 Communications Director Ben Anderson 801-830-0645 Municipal Director Talin Hansen 435-749-9895 Legislative Director Theo Gardner-Puschak 518-565-7933

  • New Chair Step-by-Step | Utah Democrats

    DONATE New Chair Step-by-Step STEP 1 Decide on a county name such as "the washington dems" STEP 2 Get a county email address on Gmail such as " " STEP 3 Get a tax ID from the IRS for your county party. Your county party is actually classified as a 501(c)4 political organization which is established as a part of the state party. Donations are NOT tax deductible and no annual report to the IRS is required. STEP 4 Use your tax ID to establish a county bank account and get a credit card in your county's name - not an individual. You will keep this bank account across all chairs and treasurers. Just update the signatures on the business account as people come and go STEP 5 .Choose a name for your county website such as "slcountydems". Purchase this domain name from a vendor like GoDaddy or WIX for less than $20 per year. Be sure to set up automatic renewal on your county debit card. STEP 6 Contact the state party and ask for a free website development person to complete your website for you.

  • Seniors | Utah Democrats

    Greetings to our fellow senior citizens! Welcome to our Seniors website. Please take advantage of all the resources available to seniors in the articles below. ​ As stated in our bylaws, we are here to fight for senior rights, senior dignity and senior protections. We will be working to safe-guard Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. We will fight against senior worker discrimination. We will advocate for senior benefits and safety as we navigate this stage of our lives. Please join us! Officers Only - Database Sign-In JOIN THE SENIOR CITIZENS CAUCUS Chuck Goode, Chair 435-229-8950 Mike Jay, Vice-Chair (805) 794-3214 JOIN OUR FACEBOOK CONVERSATION TAKE OUR 2-MINUTE SURVEY LINK TO JOIN OUR ZOOM MEETINGS TRACK UTAH LEGISLATURE BILLS NURSING HOME INSPECTION HISTORY AARP - THE BEST SENIOR RESOURCES Elizabeth Hart, Secretary (801) 687-4305 BYLAWS MINUTES VIDEO OF 4/24/24 CANDIDATE INTERVIEWS EVENT REGISTRATION - SENIORS FOR KAMALA CURRENT NEWS ARTICLES FOR SENIORS CLICK PHOTOS AND THEN GO TO LINK 5 Tips for aging well 5 ways medicaid pays Seeing new life 5 Tips for aging well 1/6 OLDER ADULTS TECHNOLOGY SERIES ASSOC. OF UTAH COMMUNITY HEALTH SENIORS CAUCUS VIDEOS SENIORS CAUCUS VIDEOS Play Video Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Search video... Now Playing Stay Young Forever: 103-Year-Old Shares The Life Lessons Everyone Learns Too Late | Gladys McGarey 01:18:49 Play Video Now Playing CFP® Explains: How to Organize Your Retirement (7 Must-Have Accounts) 21:19 Play Video Now Playing 10-minute Workout for Older Adults 10:06 Play Video Now Playing It Starts With Staffing: Requirements and Recs for Providing Safe & Quality Nursing Home Care 58:50 Play Video CLICK ON EVENTS TO SEE THE DETAILS AND THE ZOOM LINK TO JOIN ANY OF OUR MEETINGS

  • Harassment | Utah Democrats

    ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR THE UTAH STATE DEMOCRATIC PARTY Last amended: December 7, 2019 ​ This policy and procedure is not a contract (or promise to enter into a contract) for employment, volunteerism, or continued employment, nor does it create any rights that are not otherwise provided by law. 2 ARTICLE I ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY A. General Provisions The Utah State Democratic Party (“Party”) is committed to fostering dignity and respect in our Party. The Party is committed to providing all people who attend Party events or participate in official Party digital spaces (“attendees and participants”)1 with an environment free of discrimination, harassment, and harm. Consistent with our respect for the rights and dignity of all people, harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy or childbirth, breastfeeding, national origin, ethnicity, age (40 and over), physical or mental disability, veteran status, genetic information, familial status, physical appearance, and/or any other characteristic protected by law (collectively, “protected characteristic(s)”) will not be sanctioned or tolerated. All attendees and participants are expected to avoid any conduct that could reasonably be interpreted as harassment prohibited by this policy. Attendees and participants are encouraged to inform Party leadership (i.e., members of the Executive Committee, members of the Judicial Standing Committee, Issue and Identity Caucus leadership, or House District officers, and county party equivalents) when they find conduct at any Party event or in any official Party digital space to be offensive, unwelcome, or otherwise in violation of this Anti-Harassment Policy. The Party will not tolerate any harassment of attendees or participants because of their protected characteristic(s) or because of the protected characteristic(s) of their relatives, friends, and associates, at any official Party event or in any official Party digital spaces. Further, any retaliation against an individual for making a good faith complaint about harassment or retaliation against individuals for cooperating with an investigation of a harassment complaint will not be tolerated and are subject to disciplinary action. However, if after investigating any complaint, the party determines that the complaint was not made in good faith or that an attendees or participants have provided false information regarding the complaint, disciplinary action may be taken against the individual who filed the complaint or who gave the false information. In the event there is not a determination of harassment, that alone does not constitute that the complaint, or any evidence submitted in support of the complaint, was 1 This is a broad definition meant to capture: Party staff; Party leadership (i.e., all elected or appointed officers or members of any committees); delegates; candidates and their friends, family, and campaign staff and volunteers; and anyone else who attends or participates in any Party event or official digital space—including Issue and Identity Caucus events or official digital spaces—for any reason. Attendees and participants at county party events and in official county party digital spaces—including Issue and Identity Caucus events or official digital spaces—are also covered by this Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure. 3 made in bad faith. The Party takes allegations of harassment seriously and will respond promptly to complaints of harassment through the Judicial Standing Committee. Any person who believes that there has been a violation of the Party’s Anti-harassment Policy, whether as the victim or a witness, should consult the Harassment Complaint Procedure, below. If it is determined that this Anti- harassment Policy was violated, the Party will act promptly to eliminate the conduct and impose corrective action it deems appropriate. While this policy sets forth our goal of promoting an environment that is free of harassment, the policy does not limit our authority to discipline or take remedial action for conduct that the Party determines to be unacceptable, regardless of whether that conduct meets the definition of harassment. B. Examples of Sexual Harassment and Discrimination In Utah, there is no specific legal definition for sexual harassment but discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex is prohibited. Examples include direct or implied requests by a supervisor for sexual favors in exchange for actual or promised job benefits such as favorable reviews, salary increases, promotions, increased benefits, or continued employment. Definitions of sexual harassment are broad and, in addition to the above examples, other sexually-based conduct, intended or not, that is unwelcome and has the effect of creating an environment that is hostile or conduct that is sexually offensive, intimidating, or humiliating, to attendees and participants of any gender, may also constitute sexual harassment. Listing all circumstances that may constitute sexual harassment is impossible but these are some examples of conduct that, if unwelcome, may constitute sexual harassment depending upon the totality of the circumstances, including the severity of the conduct and its pervasiveness: • Making sexual advances, regardless of whether or not physical touching is involved; • Making sexual epithets, jokes, or written or verbal references to sexual conduct; • Discussing one’s sexual activities, commenting on an individual’s body, or commenting about an individual’s sexual activity, deficiencies, or prowess; • Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, or other visual depictions; • Lascivious leering, whistling, brushing against the body, making sexual gestures, making suggestive or insulting comments; • Disseminating sexually explicit voicemail, email, graphics, downloaded material, websites, or other materials; and 4 • Inquiring about one’s sexual experiences. Sexual harassment at Party events or in official Party digital spaces may be subject to disciplinary action under this Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure. C. Examples of Other Harassment or Discrimination Harassment can also occur with any other protected class. As with sexual harassment, listing all circumstances that may constitute other types of harassment is impossible but these are some examples of conduct that, if unwelcome, may constitute harassment depending upon the totality of the circumstances, including the severity of the conduct and its pervasiveness: • Verbal, written, or physical intimidation, threats, or violence; • Derogatory name-calling, jokes, or slurs; • Displaying or disseminating offensive materials that target a protected characteristic; • Inappropriate remarks about a person’s body or clothing; and • Exclusion based on a protected characteristic. If such behavior occurs at Party events or in official Party digital spaces, it may be subject to disciplinary action under this Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure. D. Examples of Non-harassing Behavior The Party encourages robust and passionate civil dialogue on policy, strategy, and the way in which our Party is governed. Attendees and participants are expected to behave lawfully and honestly, to be sensitive to other people’s feelings, and to respect the right of others to have and express different views. This Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure focuses on addressing behavior that targets a protected characteristic, but uncivil behavior will not be tolerated, and uncivil conduct at Party events and official digital spaces may still be subject to disciplinary action even if it does not target a protected characteristic. E. Reporting Harassment or Discrimination Any attendee or participant who may have been the victim of or witness to harassment or discrimination may file a confidential complaint with the Party in writing or verbally. Only written complaints may be sent to the Judicial Standing Committee for further investigation; Party leadership will do its best to resolve verbal complaints and written complaints the complainant does not want the Judicial Standing Committee to investigate. Contact information for members of the Executive Committee and the Judicial Standing Committee are maintained on the Party’s website. The Executive Committee as a whole may be reached via email at and the Judicial Standing Committee as a whole may be reached via email at 5 Harassment or discrimination may also be reported at the time it occurs. Any person who feels threatened or is harassed by another person at any Party event or in any official Party digital space may seek the assistance of the sergeant-at-arms (if one is present) or Party staff or leadership in charge of that event or digital space, who shall be empowered to take appropriate action, up to and including removing the accused from that Party event or official Party digital space, and shall inform the reporting person of the option to file a formal written complaint with the Judicial Standing Committee. F. Limitations No complaint may be considered under this Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure if more than 365 days have passed since the alleged conduct took place. However, exceptions may be allowed in two circumstances. First, if any government entity issues a legally-binding ruling that affirms the complainant’s claims in a matter involving the complainant and the accused and the alleged conduct, then the complainant shall have 365 days from the date of the ruling to file a complaint under this Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure. Second, upon the request of the complainant, this limitation shall be lifted by a majority vote of the Executive Committee upon a finding that extraordinary circumstances exist. No complaint may be considered under this Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure if it is based on conduct alleged in a previously filed complaint, regardless of the outcome of the previously- filed complaint. However, upon the request of the complainant, this limitation shall be lifted by a majority vote of the Executive Committee upon a finding that extraordinary circumstances exist. G. Periodic Review The chair of the Judicial Standing Committee may initiate a review of this Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure; if no such review has taken place during the previous twelve (12) months, any member of Central Committee may move to request a review at a Central Committee meeting. To complete a review, the chair of the Judicial Standing Committee shall solicit feedback. All Judicial Standing Committee members and all participants in any harassment complaint filed since the last review—including complainants, those accused, witnesses, Executive Committee members, and others—shall be asked in writing to consider submitting feedback and any potential amendments to improve this Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure. The chair of the Judicial Standing Committee shall then draft any proposed amendments based on the feedback collected and present those proposed amendments to the Judicial Standing Committee, who shall hold a vote on whether to support the proposed amendments. The proposed amendments and whether the Judicial Standing Committee supports the proposed 6 amendment shall then be presented at a quarterly Central Committee meeting. If no amendments are to be proposed, the chair of the Judicial Standing Committee shall report that to the Central Committee. H. Amendments In addition to the process for amendments arising out of the periodic review process, any proposed amendment to this Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure may be submitted in writing to the chair of the Judicial Standing Committee and shall bear the signatures of five (5) members of the Central Committee. At the next quarterly Central Committee meeting, the chair of the Judicial Standing Committee shall read the amendment as presented, allowing for discussion and further amendment. Any proposed amendment shall be passed by a majority vote of the Central Committee members in attendance. I. Additional Information Nothing in this Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure is intended to limit in any way a person’s ability to seek the assistance of law enforcement, private attorneys, or others. All questions about this policy should be directed to the Party Chair or Chief Legal Counsel. 7 ARTICLE II HARASSMENT COMPLAINT PROCEDURE A. Confidentiality Allegations of harassment can be both sensitive and complex. At all times, the emotional and physical safety of the individuals involved is paramount. To maintain the integrity of investigative process and respect the privacy of complainants, victims, and those accused, all proceedings, processes, reports, and conclusions shall be kept confidential, including but not limited to the fact that a complaint was filed, who the investigators were, any new information revealed during the course of an investigation, the disciplinary action, and whether an appeal took place. Private communications made by a participant to his, her, or their spouse or close family member, physician, mental health therapist, legal counsel, or cleric shall be permitted so long as they are also bound by the same understanding of confidentiality. Additionally, members of the Judicial Standing Committee may make limited, private disclosures as necessary to conduct an investigation or to present findings and/or conclusions to a closed session of the Executive Committee. The Judicial Standing Committee, the complainant, and the accused, may also make private disclosures to the Executive Committee’s Appeals Subcommittee as necessary for an appeal to be considered. Members of the Judicial Standing Committee shall inform all potential participants of their duty to not make public disclosures of any information they receive and shall obtain a written and signed agreement to maintain confidentiality before revealing any confidential information. If a potential participant does not agree to maintain confidentiality, then that person shall be prohibited from participating. Violations of confidentiality may subject the offending individual to disciplinary action if a complaint is filed. The Judicial Standing Committee shall then consider the totality of the circumstances surrounding the violation of confidentiality, including the offender’s reason(s) for public disclosure and the harm caused by the disclosure. Nothing shall prohibit a person from communicating about the underlying events that lead to a complaint, so long as the proceedings, processes, reports and conclusions generated under this Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure remain confidential. The Party shall not be held responsible for any potential consequences of that communication, including but not limited to any resulting claims of defamation or any impact on the investigation and findings. 8 B. Procedure2 1. Any person may file a written complaint with any member of the Judicial Standing Committee or with any member of the Executive Committee who shall then forward it to the full Judicial Standing Committee. Any person filing a written complaint is strongly encouraged to state whether they seek to have their complaint investigated by the Judicial Standing Committee under this procedure, or whether they are seeking a less formal review by Party leadership, to aid the appropriate processing of complaints when they are filed. Complaints may be filed against any current Party member, past Party member for conduct that occurred at the time that person was a member, or nonmembers for conduct at an official Party event or in official Party digital spaces. The complainant may withdraw the complaint at any time prior to the complaint being settled and for any reason, and may be refiled subject to the limitations in Article I, Section F, above. a. A complaint filed against a person currently working on a campaign shall first follow the Code of Fair Campaign Practices, if one exists. b. A complaint against a person who is not a current Party member shall still be investigated. That person shall not be permitted to participate in any proceedings (including the investigation) without a written and signed agreement to maintain confidentiality. An accused person who is not a current Party member shall be prohibited from attending Party events or participating in official Party digital spaces, including those open to the public, unless and until they agree to subject themselves to the jurisdiction of the Judicial Standing Committee, including signing a written agreement to maintain confidentiality. 2. Once the Judicial Standing Committee receives a complaint, the chair of the Judicial Standing Committee shall immediately send written notice to the complainant that the complaint has been received. 3. The Judicial Standing Committee shall appoint two of its members, of different genders, to lead the investigation of the matter. Those two members shall, as soon as possible, contact the complainant to identify themselves as the assigned investigators and arrange for an interview to be conducted. 4. The two appointed investigators shall complete a full, unbiased, and confidential investigation and submit a Report of Investigation to the Judicial Standing Committee no later than fourteen (14) days after the complaint is received by the Judicial Standing Committee. a. All investigations shall include interviewing the complainant and accused, unless the accused refuses to be interviewed or is not a current Party member and has 2 The Anti-Harassment Procedure in place at the time the complaint is filed shall govern. 9 not met the requirements noted above for nonmembers to participate in an investigation. The investigators may re-interview the complainant and the accused if additional facts are discovered. The complainant and accused are also encouraged to present a proposal for resolution and the complainant may request an informal resolution. i. The complainant or the accused may withdraw consent for informal resolution at any time. ii. During the time an informal resolution is pursued, timelines for the Judicial Standing Committee are suspended. iii. If the complainant and the accused agree to mediation, they shall choose the mediator. iv. If informal resolution fails because the complainant and the accused are unable to agree to a mediator or process, either party withdraws consent, or no resolution can be reached, then the complaint shall return to the Judicial Standing Committee and timelines are reinstated. b. An investigation may also include interviewing additional witnesses and the investigators may re-interview them if additional information is learned. 5. The Report of Investigation shall include the following disclaimer: This report is the product of an investigation conducted under a limited time frame and with limited resources, but attempts to review a complaint as fairly as possible. This document is not an official statement endorsed in any way by the Utah State Democratic Party. The Utah State Democratic Party expressly states that this report is not intended for public dissemination and should you receive it, you may not portray it any way as a statement of the Utah State Democratic Party. No unauthorized release of this document is permitted. 6. The Judicial Standing Committee shall meet virtually or in person in closed session with at least sixty percent (60%) of the currently-serving members who have not been recused for a conflict of interest (as defined in Section C Subsection 6) to review the Report of Investigation within seven (7) days of receipt and shall vote on: a. Whether the accused violated the Party’s Anti-harassment Policy, as found by a preponderance of the evidence standard (i.e., more likely than not), by majority vote of those present, and if yes, the disciplinary action for the accused. b. Alternatively, the Judicial Standing Committee may vote to give the assigned investigators up to fourteen (14) additional days to complete the investigation, by majority vote of those present. In such cases, the complainant and the accused shall be notified of the decision to extend the investigation time. 7. In considering what disciplinary action may be appropriate, the Judicial Standing Committee shall keep in mind the Party’s commitment to rehabilitation and restorative 10 justice when possible. The Judicial Standing Committee shall also consider the totality of the circumstances, including: a. The frequency, extent, and severity of the alleged conduct; b. The length of time that has passed since the alleged conduct; c. Whether any past complaints have been filed, including the reason for withdrawal if applicable; d. The victim’s wishes, including if the complainant is not the victim of the alleged harassment; e. Whether the accused shows remorse and acknowledges any wrongdoing or harm caused; and f. Any other factor the Judicial Standing Committee believes is relevant. 8. The Judicial Standing Committee shall determine disciplinary action tailored to the specific facts. Potential disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to: a. Written or verbal apologies, by majority vote of those present; b. Mandatory training, by majority vote of those present; c. Private censure, by majority vote of those present; d. Any other action designed to address and discourage the unwanted conduct, by majority vote, so long as it is short of removal from leadership, suspension, expulsion, and withdrawal of all support; e. Removal from Party leadership position(s), by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present; f. Suspension for a specified period of time, including banning from Party events and digital spaces regardless of whether those events are open to the public, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present; g. Permanent expulsion from the Party, including banning from Party events and digital spaces regardless of whether those events are open to the public, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present; h. Withdrawal of all support if the accused is a candidate or officeholder, by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of those present. 9. The Judicial Standing Committee shall, within seven (7) days of the vote(s) described in Subsection B.6.a., submit a written Summary of Outcomes to the complainant, the accused, and the Executive Committee. The Summary of Outcomes shall include the result(s) of the vote(s) and the Judicial Standing Committee’s final outcome. In most cases, there will be one of three possible final outcomes: a. No Action: The behavior was not found to violate the Party’s Anti-harassment Policy and/or the complainant withdrew the complaint. b. Informally Resolved: The complaint was resolved informally with the assistance of the Judicial Standing Committee and/or another informal resolution 11 mechanism at the request of the complainant. c. Concluded: The Judicial Standing Committee concluded its investigation and voted to determine disciplinary action against the accused. 10. If the outcome is “Concluded,” and both the complainant and the accused accept the decision of the Judicial Standing Committee, the decision shall be final and any disciplinary action shall be implemented immediately. The chair of the Judicial Standing Committee shall inform the Executive Committee that the decision has been accepted. 11. Alternatively, either the complainant or the accused may appeal the conclusion of the Judicial Standing Committee to the Executive Committee’s Appeals Subcommittee by following the procedure below. The person who filed the appeal may withdraw the appeal at any time, and the decision of the Judicial Standing Committee shall then be final and implemented. a. The Executive Committee’s Appeals Subcommittee shall have seven (7) members, randomly selected after each appeal is filed, from the voting and non- voting Executive Committee members with the exception of the Chair, Vice Chair, and Parliamentarian and any other member who serves on the Judicial Standing Committee. b. All appeals procedures shall be conducted in closed session and shall remain confidential as outlined in Article II, section A. c. An appeal may only be filed to challenge the processes and conclusions of the Judicial Standing Committee, on the following bases: i. Inadequate process; ii. Failure of the Judicial Standing Committee to follow proper procedures; iii. Failure to consider relevant evidence; and/or iv. Inappropriate disciplinary action. d. An appeal must be submitted in writing via email to within ten (10) days of receiving the Summary of Outcomes. i. The appeal shall state the basis (or bases) for the appeal and provide all additional information to be considered. ii. No additional information may be provided, so the appeal should be as thorough as possible. e. Upon receipt of an appeal, the chair of the Judicial Standing Committee shall immediately send notice of the appeal to the Party Secretary and the non- appealing party. Within seven (7) days: i. The Party Secretary shall randomly select seven (7) members to serve as the Executive Committee’s Appeals Subcommittee; and ii. The nonappealing party and the Judicial Standing Committee may each file a written response to the appeal. No additional information may be 12 provided, so responses should be as thorough as possible. f. Within one (1) week after the deadline for responses to be submitted, the Executive Committee’s Appeals Subcommittee shall meet in person or virtually to consider all information provided. The Executive Committee’s Appeals Subcommittee shall vote by a two-thirds (2/3) majority on whether they have a definite and firm conviction that the Judicial Standing Committee made an error, and if yes: i. They may order the Judicial Standing Committee to correct those errors and issue new findings and conclusions within fourteen (14) days; or ii. They may impose its own disciplinary action, which shall be final and implemented immediately. g. The Executive Committee’s Appeals Subcommittee shall immediately forward the decision to the Judicial Standing Committee, the complainant, and the accused. 12. There shall be no further appeals or trials, including those prescribed by Robert’s Rules of Order. C. Responsibilities 1. The Judicial Standing Committee shall be responsible to: a. Appoint two of its members, of different genders, as lead investigators to investigate complaints of harassment, regardless of whether the complainant is the alleged victim; b. Separate the alleged victim from the accused during the investigation to minimize any potential for continuing harm. The Judicial Standing Committee shall be empowered to temporarily suspend the active participation, but not the membership, of the accused. Such suspension may not exceed thirty (30) calendar days; c. Based upon the results of the investigation, recommend disciplinary action available under the Party constitution and this Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure; d. Appropriately document complaints, investigative steps taken, and written conclusions made to the Executive Committee; and e. Prepare and submit the Summary of Outcomes to the complainant, the accused, and the Executive Committee. 2. The Chair of the Judicial Standing Committee shall: a. Provide written notice immediately to complainants that their complaint was received; b. Advise parties of the process and answer any questions about the process; 13 c. Ensure that the process is followed, including within the prescribed time frame; d. Arrange for an informal resolution between the parties, if requested by the complainant and agreed to by both parties; and e. Maintain copies of all documentation pertaining to complaints. 3. The appointed investigators shall: a. Begin a thorough and unbiased investigation as soon as possible, but preferably within 24 hours after a complaint is received, to be conducted as timely and confidentially as possible; b. Inform all participants of their duty not to make public disclosures of any confidential information they obtain a signed, written agreement to maintain confidentiality; c. Inform all parties of their rights and responsibilities, including the right to be represented during the process by the representative of that person’s choice; d. Provide the accused with a copy of the complaint; e. Interview the complainant and the accused and may interview any additional witnesses; and f. Prepare a written Report of Investigation for the Judicial Standing Committee outlining the allegations of the complainant, the response of the accused, the testimony of any other witnesses, any additional information gathered, and the conclusion reached. 4. The Party Secretary shall: a. Upon notice that an appeal has been filed, randomly select seven (7) Executive Committee members from the voting and nonvoting members, excluding the Chair, Vice Chair, Parliamentarian, or any other member who serves on the Judicial Standing Committee, to serve as the Executive Committee’s Appeals Subcommittee. 5. The Executive Committee’s Appeals Subcommittee shall: a. Review all materials submitted by the complainant, the accused, and the Judicial Standing Committee; b. Rule on appeals; and c. Immediately notify the complainant, the accused, and the Judicial Standing Committee in writing the results of the appeal. 6. Members of Judicial Standing Committee and Executive Committee’s Appeals Subcommittee shall disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest to the body that person is part of, as soon as that person becomes aware of the conflict. That body, except the person in question, shall vote by majority to determine if the actual or potential conflict of interest requires the recusal of that person from participation in the proceeds. The result of the vote shall not be appealable. 14 a. A conflict of interest shall include any financial interest in the outcome of the proceedings or any personal relationship that threatens the ability to objectively participate, such as family or business relationships. b. Recognizing that pre-existing personal relationships are inevitable in any organized body such as the Party, a pre-existing personal relationship shall not be grounds for recusal unless the body determines that the relationship will interfere with the person’s ability to participate objectively. c. Should a vote on a conflict of interest result in the Executive Committee’s Appeals Subcommittee having insufficient membership to meet the requirements of this Anti-harassment Policy and Procedure, then: i. The Party Secretary shall immediately provide additional randomly selected name(s) from remaining eligible Executive Committee members to serve on the Subcommittee. ii. If the Executive Committee’s Appeals Subcommittee is unable to form with seven (7) members due to conflicts of interest, then all non- conflicted Executive Committee members shall be deemed sufficient to serve as the Subcommittee.

  • Platform | Utah Democrats

    PLATFORM UTAH DEMOCRATIC PARTY PLATFORM 2022: What Utah Democrats Believe Economic security We believe that all Americans deserve the peace of mind brought by economic security. We recognize that bad things can happen to good people. As Democrats, we support efforts that lend families and individuals a hand up toward self-reliance in times of need. We believe that, in a nation as prosperous as ours, no one should be denied access to basic human services. Equality of opportunity We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to pursue their dreams, no matter where they start out in life. We know that everyone in our society has something to contribute. As Democrats, we believe that people should be treated equitably to have a real opportunity for success. We recognize that our government plays an important role in ensuring fairness for all Americans. Investing in the common good We believe that our government should protect and provide for the public welfare and the common good. As Democrats, we support investments that enrich our communities and improve everyone’s quality of life. We believe in sustainable stewardship of our state’s natural resources to benefit current and future generations. Given the critical issues facing us, we believe that our representatives should rely on the best available evidence and science when making decisions. American leadership We believe that America’s place is as a leader among nations. As Democrats, we believe that America should be a champion of democracy and human rights and a defender of science and technology. We know that America is stronger when we work with our partners and allies. The Big Tent We affirm that the Democratic Party is the Big Tent, open to all Utahns who share our fundamental values. We believe that our shared humanity transcends our differences. As Democrats, we will work together toward a better state and country for everyone. This platform was approved by State Delegates at the 2020 Utah Democratic Party State Convention.

  • Caucuses | Utah Democrats


  • Home | Utah Democrats

    Contact Us 825 N. 300 W. Suite C400 Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 Email: . Phone: (801) 328-1212 Office hours from 12pm to 5pm Mon-Fri MAP You Can Take Action Now See What We Believe in Our Governing Documents CONSTITUTION BYLAWS PLATFORM HARASSMENT Get Involved in the Utah Legislative Process LEGISLATIVE WATCH VOTE FROM ABROAD FIND YOUR SENATOR & REPS Ask a Question or Submit a Request for Help COUNTY CHAIR TRAINING HELP DESK Take a Leadership Role in the Utah Dems Party JOIN AN ISSUE CAUCUS JOIN A COMMITTEE HELP WITH A CAMPAIGN Check our Calendar RSVP to Utah Dem Events CALENDAR LATEST NEWS See Who Our Leaders Are & Meet Our Staff EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PARTY STAFF YOU CAN RUN FOR OFFICE

  • SITE MAP | Utah Democrats


  • Tech | Utah Democrats

    Greetings to our fellow Democrats! We are so grateful to our past Chair, Lori Taylor for her leadership throughout 2021- 2022. She accomplished so much in organizing our Technology Subcommittee. She led the effort to create our new Security Checklists which has now been approved. You can view the Security checklist using the button below. You can view our past minutes from the Secretary using the link below. The new leaders elected at the state convention on May 20th 2023 are anxious to follow on with the work of our predecessors. Feel free to contact us at any time! ​ ​ JOIN THE TECHNOLOGY SUBCOMMITTEE BYLAWS MINUTES Ashlee Hoggan, Chair (801) 645-2309 Chuck Goode, Vice-Chair 435-229-8950 Ian Bowles, Secretary (801) 830-8459 ​ Officers Only - Database Sign-In LINK TO JOIN OUR ZOOM MEETINGS VIEW THE SECURITY CHECKLIST & DISINFO TECHNOLOGY SUBCOMMITTEE PROPOSAL CURRENT TECH COMMITTEE ARTICLES CLICK PHOTOS AND THEN GO TO LINK desk-logo desk-logo 1/1 DEMS TECHNOLOGY SUBCOMMITTEE VIDEOS. DEMS TECHNOLOGY SUBCOMMITTEE VIDEOS. Play Video Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Search video... Now Playing Experts predict AI to be the forefront of 2024 US election campaign | Latest World News | WION Pulse 04:25 Play Video Now Playing Zoho Desk Tutorial 2024: How To Use Zoho Desk For Beginners 08:08 Play Video Now Playing Everything You Need to Know About Zoho Desk 01:24:14 Play Video CLICK ON EVENTS TO SEE THE DETAILS AND THE ZOOM LINK TO JOIN ANY OF OUR MEETINGS

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