BYLAWS OF THE UTAH STATE DEMOCRATIC PARTY 2 3 PREAMBLE 4 In pursuit of the purposes stated in the Constitution of the Utah State Democratic Party adopted 5 September 9, 2017, the State Central Committee in a meeting assembled for the purpose of 6 revising the Bylaws on September 29, 2018, does hereby repeal the previous Rules and 7 Procedures of the Utah Democratic Party and does hereby adopt this set of Bylaws for the 8 governance of the Party in conjunction with the Constitution of the Utah State Democratic Party. 9 10 ARTICLE I: THE UTAH STATE DEMOCRATIC PARTY 11 12 Section 1. Six Basic Elements of an Open Party. The Utah State Democratic Party shall pursue 13 the goals set forth in Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution of the Utah State Democratic Party 14 in a manner that is consistent with the Six Basic Elements of an Open Party, as updated. To that 15 end the following rules shall be implemented: 16 (i) All public meetings at all levels of the Utah State Democratic Party shall be open to 17 all members of the Democratic Party regardless of race, sex, age, color, creed, 18 national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, economic status, 19 philosophical persuasion or physical disability (hereinafter collectively referred to as 20 “status”). 21 (ii) No test for membership in, nor any oaths of loyalty to, the Utah State Democratic 22 Party shall be required or used which has the effect of requiring prospective or current 23 members of the Democratic Party to acquiesce in, condone or support discrimination 24 based on status. 25 (iii) The time and place for all public meetings of the Utah State Democratic Party on all 26 levels shall be publicized fully and in such a manner as to assure timely notice to all 27 interested persons. Every reasonable effort shall be made to ensure Party events are fully 28 accessible, including accessible parking, paths to meetings, rooms, and restrooms, and to 29 grant requests for reasonable accommodations. Accessibility information shall be 30 included on relevant event materials. Spaces shall be large enough to accommodate all 31 interested persons, and at least one gender-neutral restroom shall be available, and clearly 32 marked, at all Party events. Remote participation should also be made available whenever 33 feasible. 34 (iv) The Utah State Democratic Party, on all levels, shall support the broadest possible 35 participation without discrimination. 36 (v) The Utah State Democratic Party shall publicize fully in such a manner as to assure 37 notice to all interested parties a full description of the legal and practical procedures 38 for selection of Democratic Party officers and representatives on all levels. 39 Publication of these procedures shall be done in such fashion that all prospective and 40 current members of the Utah State Democratic Party will be fully and adequately 41 informed of the pertinent procedures in time to participate in each selection procedure 42 at all levels of the Democratic Party organization. 43 (vi) The Utah State Democratic Party shall publicize fully and in such a manner as to 44 assure notice to all interested parties a complete description of the legal and practical 45 qualifications of all officers and representatives of the Utah State Democratic Party. 46 Such publication shall be done in a timely fashion so that all prospective candidates 47 or applicants for any elected or appointed position within the Utah State Democratic 48 Party will have full and adequate opportunity to compete for office. 49 50 Section 2. Compliance with Implementation of Six Basic Elements. Article I, Section 1 of 51 these Bylaws shall be implemented and interpreted using the following definitions: 52 (i) “Public Meetings” shall be defined as any Democratic Party precinct caucus, State or 53 County Conventions or Central Committee meetings, or any other meeting to which 54 the general public has been invited by notification to the news media. 55 (ii) “Members” shall be defined as any person who meets the criteria set forth in Article I, 56 Section 2 or Article VIII, Section 1 of the Constitution of the Utah State Democratic 57 Party and the Bylaws that pertain to those Articles. 58 (iii) “Publicize fully” shall be defined as attempted notice to all members of the specific 59 Committee or Convention that is meeting either by notification at a previous meeting 60 of the Committee or Convention, by U.S. mail, electronic mail, or telephone. Further, 61 notice for public meetings or deadlines should be attempted by providing a press 62 release to members of the news media as is practicable in the district for which the 63 meeting is held. 64 (iv) “Timely notice” shall be defined as seven days prior to the date of the deadline, 65 meeting or Convention, unless defined elsewhere in the procedures for the event or 66 deadline. 67 (v) Requirements for “a full or complete description of a process or qualifications” may 68 be met by notification of where or from whom such a complete document may be 69 obtained either by mail, telephone, online, or electronic means in the attempt to 70 publicize fully the event, deadline or contest for office. 71 72 Section 3. Regional Organizations. There shall be Regional Organizations to assist with the 73 coordination of County Party activities and to provide geographical representation on Standing 74 and Select Committees. The activities coordinated by each region shall be supervised by the 75 County Party Chairs’ representative on the State Executive Committee in conjunction with 76 Regional Coordinators. There shall be one Regional Coordinator from each region nominated by 77 the State Party Chair and appointed by the State Executive Committee. The Regional 78 Coordinators shall serve for an indefinite term at the pleasure of the State Party Chair. The duties 79 of Regional Coordinators shall be to act as liaisons between the County Party officers and the 80 State Executive Committee. They shall also assist with coordination of County Party activities, 81 training of County Party officers, and candidate recruitment. There shall be an item in the State 82 Executive Committee budget proposal to the State Central Committee for expenses related to 83 these Regional Organizations. The boundaries of the regions shall be comprised as follows: 84 (i) NORTH: Box Elder County, Cache County, Davis County, Morgan County, Rich 85 County, Summit County, Tooele County, and Weber County; 86 (ii) CENTRAL: Salt Lake County; 87 (iii) EAST: Carbon County, Daggett County, Duchesne County, Emery County, Grand 88 County, San Juan County, Uintah County, Utah County, Wasatch County, and Wayne 89 County; and, 90 (iv) WEST: Beaver County, Garfield County, Iron County, Juab County, Kane County, 91 Millard County, Piute County, Sanpete County, Sevier County, and Washington 92 County. 93 94 ARTICLE II: STATE PRIMARY CONVENTION 95 96 Section 1. Convention Chair. The State Chair shall be the Convention Chair, unless the State 97 Chair is a candidate for election at the Convention, unwilling or unable to serve, or requests that 98 there be another or other pro tempore Convention Chairs. In such case the State Executive 99 Committee shall have the sole authority to appoint pro tempore Convention Chair or Chairs at 100 their discretion. 101 102 Section 2. Convention Committees. A convention Organizing Committee and Rules Committee 103 shall serve to ensure for a well-executed convention. 104 105 Section 3. The State Party Rules Standing Committee. 106 (i) The Rules Standing Committee of the Utah State Democratic Party shall present for 107 adoption a report to the Convention and draft Rules for Order and Proceedings for the 108 Convention; 109 (ii) The Rules Standing Committee shall provide for the physical necessities of balloting for 110 the election of candidates and the certification of the official vote totals in such contested 111 races. The Rules Committee shall determine the method by which a delegate receives a 112 ballot and the method by which the delegate disposes of the ballot for proper counting of 113 the ballot, or disposal if the ballot is spoiled. It shall also provide for the format and 114 production of the ballot and shall provide for the counting of ballots and for observers 115 from contested elections to witness the counting of the ballots. Instant Runoff Ranked 116 Choice Voting shall be the method of voting in all elections. It shall also create the 117 official nomination petition sheet such that they are in compliance with applicable state 118 law, and independently evaluate whether each petitioning candidate has garnered the 119 requisite number of valid signatures as prescribed by applicable state law in order to be 120 placed on the primary ballot; 121 (iii) The Rules Standing Committee shall provide oversight of credentials and determine who 122 will be seated as a delegate to the Convention. It shall provide for a method of registering 123 credentialed delegates to the Convention and provide the delegates with a method of 124 identification indicating their delegate status. The Rules Committee may also aid in the 125 distribution and collection of official ballots. 126 127 Section 4. Convention Organizing Committee. 128 The Executive Committee shall provide oversight of the arrangements and the physical facilities 129 required to hold the Convention. There must also be facilities for registration of the delegates, 130 and a secure, private room for the counting of ballots. There shall also be a private room 131 provided for each multi-County district that has a contested race for elected public office. Special 132 fees for space, equipment and services provided for candidates, special interest caucuses, or 133 vendors may be assessed. Rules may be established for the use of the facilities consistent with 134 those of the property owner and will address the space and sign placement needs of all interested 135 participants in the Convention. 136 137 Section 5. Time and Place. The State Primary Convention shall be held in years in which the 138 State of Utah holds a General Election at a time that allows the Party to utilize the Primary 139 Election conducted by the State of Utah. The Convention shall be held at a place that can 140 accommodate the needs of the Convention within the State of Utah. 141 142 Section 6. Nomination of Candidates for the General Election. All persons intending to 143 become candidates at the Primary Convention for any elected office except for Lieutenant 144 Governor of the State of Utah, shall file a statement of candidacy with either the County Clerk or 145 Lieutenant Governor’s Office, as appropriate. Sponsors of all organizations, ballot initiatives, 146 referendums, and other statements of preference, herein referred to as issues, intending to receive 147 endorsement by the delegates at the Primary Convention shall submit a written request for 148 consideration to the State Party Chair no later than 14 days before the convention. 149 150 Where the number of candidates or issues before the delegates is not greater than the number to 151 be elected or endorsed at the next general election, those candidates and sponsors of issues shall 152 be allowed to address the Convention, delegates, or caucus, as appropriate, seeking confirmation 153 of the Democratic Party’s nomination or endorsement. 154 155 Where the number of candidates or issues before the delegates is greater than the number of 156 nominees required for the next general election, there shall be nominating and seconding 157 speeches made on their behalf and the candidates and sponsors of issues shall be allowed to 158 address the Convention, delegates, or caucus, as appropriate. Then the delegates who reside in 159 the district to be represented by the candidate or those delegates affected by an issue shall vote. 160 161 The method of voting shall be Instant Runoff Ranked Choice Voting and the results of the voting 162 shall be as follows: 163 a. the delegate shall obtain the ballot from a member of the Registration or Elections 164 Committee; 165 b. after voting the ballot the delegate shall dispose of the ballot as provided for by 166 the Registration or Elections Committee; 167 c. the official ballots shall then be transmitted to the members of the Election 168 Committee for tabulation; 169 d. The results of the ballot shall be determined as follows: 170 i. If a candidate receives 55% or more of the votes in the last elimination 171 cycle, the candidate shall either become the nominee or advance to the 172 primary election if any other candidate(s) have qualified for the primary 173 ballot via signature collection. If no candidate reaches 55%, the last two 174 candidates shall both advance to the primary election with any additional 175 candidate(s) who have qualified for the primary ballot via signature 176 collection, as provided by applicable state law; 177 ii. If any provision hereof is determined to conflict with state law, state law 178 shall control. 179 180 Section 7. Nomination for Lieutenant Governor. The Gubernatorial Candidate or 181 Candidates nominated by the Convention shall nominate a candidate for Lieutenant Governor 182 who meets the eligibility requirements of the statutes and Constitution of the State of Utah. 183 The Delegates to the Convention shall then vote to ratify the nominee, which requires a 184 majority vote of the Delegates present. No ballot is necessary. If the Convention fails to 185 affirmatively ratify the nominee for Lieutenant Governor, the gubernatorial nominee shall 186 nominate other candidates until the Convention ratifies a nominee. The nominee for 187 Lieutenant Governor shall then file a statement of candidacy with the office of the Lieutenant 188 Governor in a timely manner. The Gubernatorial Candidate or Candidates shall then run for 189 election to that office on a joint ticket with their respective Lieutenant Governor nominee. In 190 the election, the names of the candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall appear 191 together on the ballot, and the votes cast for a candidate for Governor shall be considered as 192 also cast for the candidate for Lieutenant Governor. 193 194 Section 8. Public Official Vacancies. The process to fill a vacancy resulting from the death, 195 resignation, or other cause, of a state or federal elected official shall be as follows: 196 a. the State Party shall provide the process for nominating the public official whose 197 office is left vacant and shall oversee the process for filling the vacancy; 198 b. any member of the Utah State Democratic Party desiring to fill the vacancy shall 199 be allowed to file a statement of candidacy with the State Party Headquarters. 200 c. a ballot listing the names of the candidates to fill the vacancy shall be prepared 201 listing the names in an order to be determined by lot; 202 d. at the discretion of the Chair, and in accordance with the laws of the State of 203 Utah, a meeting of State Delegate members shall be convened to select nominees 204 to fill the vacancy for transmission to the appropriate legal authority as soon as is 205 practicable with a ten-day written notice or at a regularly scheduled meeting. 206 There shall be a suspension of the quorum rule to allow for a vote from only those 207 State Delegate members who reside in the district in which the vacancy occurred. 208 The voting shall be by the State Delegate members that reside in the district in 209 which the vacancy has occurred; 210 e. each voting member shall be allowed to cast one vote with the person(s) receiving 211 the highest number of votes being the nominee(s); and, 212 f. in the event that two or more persons have an equal number of votes, the tie shall 213 be decided by lot. 214 215 Section 9. National Committee Members, National Delegates and Presidential Electors. 216 In presidential election years, the Convention shall elect at least one person for each position 217 available for National Committee member, National Delegate and Presidential Elector in the 218 following manner: 219 a. National Committee members shall be elected as provided herein: 220 i. any member of the Utah State Democratic Party may file a declaration of 221 candidacy for this office with the State Secretary or State Party 222 Headquarters prior to the Call to Order of the first County Democratic 223 Party Primary Convention of that calendar year provided that they file for 224 a seat for which they are eligible as defined by the Democratic National 225 Committee; 226 ii. where the number of candidates is greater than the number of positions to 227 be filled in that category, there shall be nominating and seconding 228 speeches made on behalf of the candidate and the candidate shall be 229 allowed to address the Convention; 230 iii. a ballot shall be prepared with separate categories depending on eligibility 231 listing the names of the candidates within the category for which they filed 232 in an order to be determined by lot; 233 iv. the voting may be in conjunction with the balloting for nominees for 234 public elected office; 235 v. voting shall done via instant runoff ranked-choice voting, with each 236 delegate allowed to cast one vote per category; and, 237 vi. in the event that two or more persons have an equal number of votes, the 238 tie shall be decided by lot. 239 b. National Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the Democratic National 240 Convention shall be elected as provided by the National Delegate Selection Plan 241 that is approved by the Democratic National Committee. 242 c. Presidential Electors shall be the State Party Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, 243 Treasurer and National Committee members. Each of these Presidential Electors 244 shall sign a pledge that they will cast their electoral ballot for the candidates 245 nominated by the Democratic Party prior to the State Primary Convention. Should 246 there be more than six Presidential Electors from the State of Utah or if one of the 247 elected officials will not sign a pledge stipulating how to cast his or her ballot, 248 then that position will be open to election in much the same manner as provided 249 for the National Committee members. In the event that a Presidential Elector is 250 not able to fulfill his or her duties, the remaining electors shall appoint another 251 person to fill the vacancy. 252 253 Section 10. Delegates to the Convention. Delegates to the Convention shall be those noted in 254 Article II, Section 8 of the Constitution of Utah State Democratic Party plus those members of 255 the County Party Delegations. There shall be two thousand seven hundred and ninety (2,790) 256 Delegates from County Party Delegations of the State of Utah. The number of Delegates that 257 each County Party is entitled to shall be ten plus a number to be determined in proportion to the 258 combined votes cast at the next preceding November election for the Utah State Democratic 259 Party’s Candidates for the offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, State 260 Auditor, and State Treasurer, excluding the vote for any candidate who had no opposition. The 261 Delegates that form the County Party Delegations shall have been elected in the manner that is 262 provided for by the State Delegate Selection Plan approved for the County Party in the County in 263 which that Delegate resides. 264 265 Section 11. Delegate Challenges. County Parties shall submit the final list of delegates to State 266 Party no later than fourteen days prior to the State Primary Convention, unless otherwise 267 specified by the County’s Delegate Selection plan as approved by the Rules and Elections 268 Standing Committee. No replacements shall be made after that date. County Parties shall resolve 269 any challenges to the process in which they selected their Delegates prior to that date by sending 270 a written copy of the challenge to State Party Headquarters, which will refer the matter to the 271 Judicial Standing Committee. After that date any unsuccessful candidate for Delegate, or 272 potential candidate alleging improper procedure in the Delegate selection process, within the 273 County as the Delegate or Delegates being challenged, has Standing to challenge a delegate or 274 delegates certified to the State Party Headquarters. The challenge must be submitted within the 275 following guidelines: 276 (i) the challenge shall be submitted in written form at least forty-eight hours prior to the 277 Call to Order of the State Primary Convention or within one week after the County 278 Party has certified its list of delegates to the State Party Headquarters, whichever is 279 earlier; 280 (ii) the challenge shall be sent by the challenger to State Party Headquarters and to the 281 County Chair from the County in which the person was elected; 282 (iii) the challenge shall include the grounds on which the challenge is based; 283 (iv) the challenge shall be submitted to the Credentials Committee by the State Party 284 Secretary; 285 (v) the Credentials Committee shall convene the committee on the first day of the 286 Convention, or before if it is deemed necessary, to determine which persons shall 287 receive official credentials as State Delegates and to take up any challenges; 288 (vi) in hearing a challenge, the Credentials Committee shall allot a period of time within 289 which the challenger and the challenged, along with their supporters shall be granted 290 equal time to make their statements. The Committee then may request relevant 291 additional information from Party Officers; and, 292 (vii) the Credentials Committee shall then resolve challenges and its report to the 293 Convention shall be final. 294 295 Section 12. Alternate Delegates. The Utah State Democratic Party shall use the following 296 procedure to designate alternate delegates for any delegate who is not present at the State 297 Convention: each County Party shall provide a list of alternate delegates. If any delegate is not 298 present at State Convention, an alternate delegate who resides in the same county as the absent 299 delegate shall be selected from the list of alternate delegates provided by the relevant County 300 Party based upon the order in which the alternate delegates register their presence at the State 301 Convention. Such registration of presence by alternate delegates shall be conducted at noon on 302 the day of the State Convention by the Rules Committee. 303 304 ARTICLE III: STATE ORGANIZING CONVENTION 305 306 Section 1. Convention Chair, Committees and Challenges. Convention Chair, Convention 307 Committees, and Delegate Challenges shall operate under the provisions set forth under Article 308 II. 309 310 Section 2. Convention Committees. A convention Organizing Committee and Rules Committee 311 shall serve to ensure for a well-executed convention. 312 313 Section 3. The State Party Rules Standing Committee. 314 (i) The Rules Standing Committee of the Utah State Democratic Party shall present for 315 adoption a report to the Convention and draft Rules for Order and Proceedings for the 316 Convention; 317 (ii) The Rules Standing Committee shall provide for the physical necessities of balloting for 318 the election of candidates and the certification of the official vote totals in such contested 319 races. The Rules Committee shall determine the method by which a delegate receives a 320 ballot and the method by which the delegate disposes of the ballot for proper counting of 321 the ballot, or disposal if the ballot is spoiled. It shall also provide for the format and 322 production of the ballot and shall provide for the counting of ballots and for observers 323 from contested elections to witness the counting of the ballots. Instant Runoff Ranked 324 Choice Voting shall be the method of voting in all elections. It shall also create the 325 official nomination petition sheet such that they are in compliance with applicable state 326 law, and independently evaluate whether each petitioning candidate has garnered the 327 requisite number of valid signatures as prescribed by applicable state law in order to be 328 placed on the primary ballot; 329 (iii) The Rules Standing Committee shall provide oversight of credentials and determine who 330 will be seated as a delegate to the Convention. It shall provide for a method of registering 331 credentialed delegates to the Convention and provide the delegates with a method of 332 identification indicating their delegate status. The Rules Committee may also aid in the 333 distribution and collection of official ballots. 334 335 Section 4. Convention Organizing Committee. 336 (i) The Executive Committee shall provide oversight of the arrangements and the physical 337 facilities required to hold the Convention. There must also be facilities for registration of 338 the delegates, and a secure, private room for the counting of ballots. There shall also be a 339 private room provided for each multi-County district that has a contested race for elected 340 public office. Special fees for space, equipment and services provided for candidates, 341 special interest caucuses, or vendors may be assessed. Rules may be established for the 342 use of the facilities consistent with those of the property owner and will address the space 343 and sign placement needs of all interested participants in the Convention. 344 345 Section 5. Time and Place. The State Organizing Convention shall be held at a time after all 346 County Conventions, but before September in the year in which there is no general election in 347 the State of Utah. The Convention shall be held at a place that can accommodate the needs of the 348 Convention within the State of Utah. 349 350 Section 6. Voting. Where the number of candidates for the offices of State Party Chair, Vice- 351 Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are greater than the number of positions to be filled, there shall be 352 nominating and seconding speeches made on behalf of the candidates and the candidates shall be 353 allowed to address the Convention, after which the Delegates shall vote, if more than one 354 candidate has filed for that office. If there is only one candidate filed for an office, the 355 Convention Chair may accept a motion to elect by acclamation. The State Chair, State Vice- 356 Chair, State Secretary, and State Treasurer shall be the person receiving a majority of votes at the 357 State Organizing Convention. If no candidate receives a majority on the first ballot, there shall be 358 a second ballot with the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes. The candidate on 359 the second ballot with a majority shall be elected. 360 361 Section 7. Replacement Delegates. After the State Primary Convention, County Parties may 362 replace State Delegates who die, resign, or are disqualified according to the County Party’s 363 approved State Delegate Selection Plan. In the case of resignation, the State Delegate must notify 364 in writing the State Party Secretary and/or the Chair of the County in which they reside. It is the 365 responsibility of the County Party to provide the State Party a list of delegates who die, resign, or 366 are disqualified, and any supporting documentation with 15 days of being made aware of the 367 vacancy. These replacements may be made until fifteen days prior to the Call to Convention of 368 the State Organizing Convention, unless otherwise specified in the County’s Delegate Selection 369 Plan, as approved by the Rules and Elections Standing Committee. No replacements shall be 370 made after that date. County Parties shall resolve any challenges to the process in which they 371 selected their Delegates prior to that date by sending a written copy of the challenge to State 372 Party Headquarters which will refer the matter to the Judicial Standing Committee. After that 373 date, any unsuccessful candidate for Delegate within the County as the Delegate or Delegates 374 being challenged, has Standing to challenge a delegate or delegates certified to the State Party 375 Headquarters. 376 377 Section 8. Alternate Delegates. The Utah State Democratic Party shall use the following 378 procedure to designate alternate delegates for any delegate who is not present at the State 379 Convention: each County Party shall provide a list of alternate delegates. If any delegate is not 380 present at State Convention, an alternate delegate who resides in the same county as the absent 381 delegate shall be selected from the list of alternate delegates provided by the relevant County 382 Party based upon the order in which the alternate delegates register their presence at the State 383 Convention. Such registration of presence by alternate delegates shall be conducted at noon on 384 the day of the State Convention by the Rules Committee. 385 386 Section 9. Public Official Vacancies. The process to fill a vacancy resulting from the death, 387 resignation or other cause, of a state or federal elected official shall be as follows: 388 (i) the State Party shall provide the process for nominating the public official whose office is 389 left vacant and shall oversee the process for filling the vacancy; 390 (ii) any member of the Utah State Democratic Party desiring to fill the vacancy shall be 391 allowed to file a statement of candidacy with the State Party Headquarters; 392 (iii) a ballot listing the names of the candidates to fill the vacancy shall be prepared listing 393 the names in an order to be determined by lot; 394 (iv) at the discretion of the Chair, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Utah, a 395 meeting of State Delegate members shall be convened to select nominees to fill the 396 vacancy for transmission to the appropriate legal authority as soon as is practicable 397 with a ten-day written notice or at a regularly scheduled meeting. There shall be a 398 suspension of the quorum rule to allow for a vote from only those State Delegate 399 members who reside in the district in which the vacancy occurred. The voting shall be 400 by the State Delegate members that reside in the district in which the vacancy has 401 occurred; 402 (v) each voting member shall be allowed to cast one vote with the person(s) receiving the 403 highest number of votes being the nominee(s); and, 404 (vi) in the event that two or more persons have an equal number of votes, the tie shall be 405 decided by lot. 406 407 408 ARTICLE IV: STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE 409 410 Section 1. State Central Committee Chair. The Chair of the Utah State Democratic Party is the 411 Chair of the State Central Committee. 412 413 Section 2. Time and Place of Precinct Caucuses and State Conventions. As early as the third 414 quarterly meeting of the State Central Committee in the year prior to which the State of Utah 415 conducts a general election, and no later than the fourth quarterly meeting of the State Central 416 Committee in the year prior to which the State of Utah conducts a general election, the State 417 Central Committee shall designate the date and time for holding Precinct Caucuses for the 418 Democratic Party throughout the State of Utah. The location of the Precinct Caucuses shall be at 419 the discretion of County Parties who are to organize and hold the Precinct Caucuses. The time 420 and place of the State Convention shall be established by the State Party Officers and ratified by 421 a simple majority of the members convened at a State Central Committee meeting. 422 423 Section 3. Candidate Vacancies. The process to fill a vacancy resulting from the death, 424 resignation or other cause, of a candidate for state or federal office shall be as follows: 425 (i) any member of the Utah State Democratic Party desiring to fill the vacancy shall be 426 allowed to file a statement of candidacy with the State Party Secretary or State Party 427 Headquarters; 428 (ii) a ballot listing the names of the candidates to fill the vacancy shall be prepared listing 429 the names in an order to be determined by lot; 430 (iii) the State Central Committee shall be convened to select a new candidate as soon as is 431 practicable. There shall be a suspension of the quorum rule to allow for a vote from 432 only those members who reside in the district in which the vacancy occurred. The 433 voting shall be by members of the State Central Committee that reside in the district 434 in which the vacancy has occurred; 435 (iv) there shall be one vote for each vacancy that is to be filled with the person or persons 436 receiving the highest number of votes being chosen to fill the vacancy; and, 437 (v) in the event that two or more persons have an equal number of votes, the tie shall be 438 decided by lot. 439 440 Section 4. Party Official Vacancies. The process to fill vacancies of the State Central 441 Committee, State Executive Committee, or State Executive Officers shall be as follows: 442 (i) To fill a vacancy on the State Central Committee or the State Executive Committee, 443 except for State Executive Officers: 444 a. the constituency affected by a vacancy shall present the name of a person to fill the 445 vacancy; and, 446 b. the State Central Committee shall fill the vacancy with that person for the remainder 447 of the unexpired term of the person that created the vacancy, unless there is a motion 448 to refuse to seat the new member which requires a vote of two-thirds of the members 449 present at a meeting of the State Central Committee to pass. 450 (ii) To replace a State Executive Officer: 451 a. any qualified member of the Utah State Democratic Party desiring to fill the vacancy 452 shall be allowed to file a statement of candidacy with the State Party Secretary or 453 State Party Headquarters; 454 b. a ballot listing the names of the candidates to fill the vacancy shall be prepared listing 455 the names in an order to be determined by lot; 456 c. the State Central Committee shall be convened to select a person to fill the vacancy as 457 soon as is practicable; 458 d. each voting member shall be allowed to cast one vote with the person receiving the 459 highest number of votes being elected; 460 e. in the event that two or more persons have an equal number of votes, the tie shall be 461 decided by lot; and, 462 f. the person elected shall serve for the period of the unexpired term or until the next 463 State Convention, whichever comes first. Should there be a State Convention prior to 464 the end of the unexpired term any person may file for the office and an election shall 465 be held with the delegates determining who shall fill the unexpired term. 466 467 Section 5. Designates. Federal and Statewide elected officials are encouraged to participate as 468 members of the State Central Committee; however, they may select a person to act in their 469 behalf. This person shall be known as their designate. Designates shall operate as follows: 470 (i) When a Federal or Statewide elected official designates another person to serve on 471 the State Central Committee that person must serve throughout the term of the elected 472 official, unless a resignation is sent to the State Party Headquarters; 473 (ii) The designate may resign from the State Central Committee and another may be 474 appointed by the elected official, but the position shall not be used as an alternating or 475 rotating position; and, 476 (iii) The designate may speak on behalf of the elected official represented, but shall not 477 cast a vote if the elected official is not present. 478 479 Section 6. Removal of Members. Membership on the State Central Committee shall 480 automatically be rescinded if a member is no longer a resident in the jurisdiction, or affiliated 481 with the caucus, represented by the member. A motion for removal of a member from the State 482 Central Committee may be made to the Judicial Standing Committee by any other member of the 483 State Central Committee for failure to support the Democratic nominee for public elected office. 484 The Judicial Standing Committee shall make a recommendation to the State Central Committee 485 at its next meeting; wherein the motion will be to accept or reject the report of the Judicial 486 Standing Committee. If the recommendation of the Judicial Standing Committee is removal of 487 the member from the State Central Committee, that motion shall need a vote of two thirds of the 488 members present for the motion to be adopted. County Parties may provide in their bylaws for a 489 member of the State Central Committee may be removed for failure to attend meetings of the 490 State Central Committee. 491 492 Section 7. Location of Meetings. At least one of the State Central Committee meetings annually 493 shall be conducted in the regions described in the Bylaws of the Utah State Democratic Party, 494 Article I, Section 3, other than the Central Region. No more than one such meeting shall be 495 conducted in any region until such meetings have been held in the other regions. 496 497 Section 8. Standing Sub-Committees. The Central Committee of the Utah Democratic Party 498 shall establish the following six standing sub-committees: 499 (i) Mobilization Sub-committee; 500 (ii) Public Relations Sub-committee; 501 (iii) Fundraising Sub-committee; 502 (iv) Technology Sub-committee; 503 (v) Candidate Recruitment Sub-committee; 504 (vi) Public Policy and Platform Sub-committee. 505 506 Each Central Committee member may select a sub-committee to serve on. Each sub-committee 507 shall include a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary that shall be elected by a simple-majority vote 508 by each respective sub-committee. At least once a year, during a Central Committee meeting, 509 each sub-committee shall report on its activities and offer action items. Each sub-committee 510 chair shall serve as a non-voting member of the State Executive Committee. 511 512 Section 9. The Mobilization Standing Sub-committee. The Mobilization Standing Sub- 513 committee of the Utah State Democratic Party shall be responsible for helping to create and 514 implement a field program with the Utah State Democratic Party Executive Committee. This 515 sub-committee should create workshops for County Democratic Party Officers, information for 516 potential Democratic Party candidates, workshops and programs for volunteer training, and 517 campaign workshops. This sub-committee shall also be responsible for initiating, building, and 518 maintaining relationships with grassroots organizations aligned with the Utah State Democratic 519 Party platform. Toward this end, the Mobilization Sub-committee shall work with the Utah State 520 Democratic Party office to maintain a current and concrete list of volunteer opportunities. 521 522 Section 10. The Public Relations Standing Sub-committee. The Public Relations Standing 523 Sub-committee of the Utah State Democratic Party shall be responsible for, but not limited to, 524 formulating methods for highlighting information about the Utah State Democratic Party under 525 the direction and subject to the approval of the State Executive Committee. 526 527 Section 11. Fundraising Standing Sub-committee. The Fundraising Standing Sub-committee 528 shall work under the direction of the Utah State Democratic Party Chair, Finance Director, and 529 State Party Treasurer. The Fundraising Standing Sub-committee shall support fundraising efforts. 530 531 Section 12. Technology Standing Sub-committee. The Technology Standing Sub-committee 532 shall work with the Utah State Democratic Party Executive Committee to establish strategic 533 goals for using technology, both at the State Party and for building the technology assets the 534 Party provides to itself, staff, campaigns, and other committees. This sub-committee directs and 535 manages all technology functions including data management, software engineering, analytics, 536 information security, and project management. 537 538 Section 13. Candidate Recruitment Standing Sub-committee. The Candidate Recruitment 539 Standing Sub-committee shall help with candidate recruitment, targeting candidates, creating 540 benchmarks in targeted races, and training candidates. In addition to the appointed sub- 541 committee Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary, the Chair of County Chairs, the Chair of Issue 542 Caucus Chairs, and four Regional Members — Central, North, East, West — are members of 543 this sub-committee. This sub-committee shall be responsible for the recruitment of candidates for 544 federal, statewide, and multi-county elected offices and for assisting the County Democratic 545 Parties in recruiting candidates. 546 547 Section 14. Public Policy and Platform Standing Sub-committee. The Public Policy and 548 Platform Standing Sub-committee shall be responsible for submitting the platform or resolutions 549 reports to the State Conventions; creating task forces to study issues for the Utah State 550 Democratic Party; compiling research on issues for use by candidates for public elected office; 551 and acting as advocates for issues endorsed by the State Central Committee. The Standing Sub- 552 committee may also provide for the formation of sub-committees or task forces to study specific 553 issues that include as part of their membership a designate of the Democratic Party Leadership of 554 the Utah State Legislature, and other persons who can provide expert knowledge on the issues 555 addressed by the task force. The Standing Sub-committee shall also perform the following: 556 (i) Draft Platform. A draft report shall be prepared under the direction and with the approval 557 of the Chair of the Utah State Democratic Party. 558 (ii) Proposals for Inclusion in Platform. Delegates and others may submit proposals for 559 inclusion in the platform to the Chair of the Platform and Policy Standing Sub- 560 Committee. All proposals to be considered by the Standing Sub-committee shall be 561 submitted in writing at least sixteen (16) days prior to the convening of the State 562 Nominating Convention. All proposals shall state the proposition in a clear and concise 563 manner. The Chair of the Standing Sub-committee shall have authority for good cause to 564 allow consideration of proposals submitted after the deadline, with the agreement of a 565 majority of the membership of the Committee. 566 (iii) Amendments to Platform. No one other than a voting member of the Standing Sub- 567 committee may propose an amendment. The amendment process shall be on a section-by- 568 section basis, unless otherwise determined by the Standing Sub-Committee Chair. No 569 motion or proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall be 570 permitted under color of the amendment. 571 (iv) Minority Report to Platform. Upon the written request of at least six members of the 572 Committee, a minority report concerning any issue that has been raised before the 573 Committee shall be prepared and submitted to the sub-committee Chair. An issue that has 574 not been considered by the full committee may not be the subject of a minority report. 575 Minority reports must be submitted to the Chair of the Platform and Policy Standing Sub- 576 committee within forty-eight (48) hours of adjournment of the Standing Sub-committee’s 577 pre-Convention meeting. The minority report shall be in the form of a resolution 578 disposing of the matter to which it relates, and shall be prepared for distribution to all 579 Convention delegates as part of the Committee’s report. No member who voted for the 580 majority report with respect to a matter may sign a minority report relating to the same 581 matter and must affirm they did not vote with the majority on the motion adopted. No 582 member may sign more than one minority report relating to a particular matter. Any 583 person who signs a minority report may withdraw his or her support for such report by 584 written notice to the Committee Chair or a designated staff member. A minority report 585 may be withdrawn at any time prior to or during the Convention. A minority report w 586 will be deemed withdrawn when support falls to fewer than six members of the Standing 587 Sub-committee, as evidenced by the written withdrawal of support by proponents of the 588 report as submitted to the Committee Chair. 589 (v) Resolutions. The Standing Sub-committee shall receive and consider all resolutions 590 proposed by a member of the State Central Committee or State Convention Delegate, as 591 appropriate, on matters of policy proposed for adoption by the State Central Committee 592 or Convention, and shall report in writing. Said report shall contain the text of each 593 resolution recommended by the Committee for adoption, and shall identify resolutions 594 considered but not recommended for adoption. Resolutions shall be submitted to the 595 Chair of the Committee at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting, provided that the 596 State Executive Committee may vote to submit urgent timely resolutions directly to the 597 State Central Committee or Convention even though not submitted within these time 598 periods. Excepting those resolutions submitted by the State Executive Committee, no 599 resolutions may be considered that have not had prior consideration by the Platform and 600 Policy Standing sub-committee. 601 602 ARTICLE V: STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 603 604 Section 1. Code of Fair Campaign Practices. The State Executive Committee shall initiate and 605 monitor a select committee to compose a Code of Fair Campaign Practices for submission to the 606 State Central Committee at the soonest practical date. 607 608 Section 2. Code Binding Members and Staff. The State Executive Committee and office 609 personnel of the Utah State Democratic Party shall be obligated to abide by the Code of Fair 610 Campaign Practices. 611 612 Section 3. Removal from Committee Appointments. A member of any Standing or Select 613 Committee may be terminated for failure to participate on the committee or for activity in 614 another political party. A member who has been terminated from a committee may ask the State 615 Executive Committee for reconsideration for reinstatement to the committee. 616 617 Section 4. Non-Voting Members. The State Executive Committee may invite the following to 618 participate in an advisory capacity as a non-voting members of the State Executive Committee: 619 (i) the immediate past State Party Chair; 620 (ii) the president of the Utah Chapter of the Young Democrats; and, 621 (iii) the Regional Coordinators. 622 623 Section 5. Determining DNC/ASDC Membership. The State Party Chair and the State Party 624 Vice-Chair shall serve as members of the Democratic National Committee and the Association 625 of State Democratic Chairs. Should the State Party Vice-Chair be ineligible to serve due to the 626 rules relating to members of the opposite sex of those organizations, the State Chair shall 627 nominate and the State Executive Committee shall appoint a person of the opposite sex of the 628 State Party Chair from among their members. 629 630 Section 6. Gender Balance on State Executive Committee. The State Party Chair shall 631 nominate persons for membership on the State Executive Committee as per Article V, Section 2 632 of the Constitution of the Utah State Democratic Party, who will create to the greatest possible 633 extent an equal division of committee membership between men and women. 634 635 ARTICLE VI: STATE EXECUTIVE OFFICERS 636 637 Section 1. Residency Requirement. A candidate for State Executive Office must be a resident 638 of the State of Utah upon filling for office and during their term of office. The resignation of a 639 State Executive Officer intending to establish residency in another state must be submitted to the 640 State Executive Committee. Vacancies shall be filled in accordance with Article IV, Section 4. 641 642 Section 2. Leave of Absence. State Executive Officers who are in contested races for the 643 Democratic nomination to public elected office shall take a leave of absence until the contest for 644 the nomination is decided. If a State Executive Officer is a candidate for public elected office, he 645 or she shall not be permitted to use the facilities or staff of the Utah State Democratic Party for 646 his or her campaign in a manner that is not available to other candidates on the Democratic 647 ticket. In no circumstance shall a State Executive Officer who is a candidate for public elected 648 office be allowed to use the State Party Headquarters for his or her campaign headquarters or 649 hire the current State Party staff to work for his or her campaign committee. State Executive 650 Officers who are in contested races for party elected office shall not participate in the 651 organization and administration of the election for that office. Nothing in this section shall be 652 construed so as to prohibit the State Executive Officers from reporting to the Convention in the 653 usual, reasonable and customary manner. 654 655 Section 3. Removal of State Executive Officers. The State Chair, State Executive Committee, 656 no fewer than three County Chairs, or no fewer than one-twelfth of the State Central Committee 657 members may call for a State Central Committee meeting and petition the Judicial Standing 658 Committee for removal of a State Executive Officer. The Judicial Standing Committee shall 659 make a recommendation to the State Central Committee; wherein the motion will be to accept or 660 reject the report of the Judicial Standing Committee. If the recommendation of the Judicial 661 Standing Committee is removal of the State Executive Officer, that motion shall need a vote of 662 two thirds of the members present for the motion to be adopted. If the State Executive Officer 663 petitioned for removal is a member of the Judicial Standing Committee, the Officer may not 664 participate in the deliberations of that Committee and the production of their report to the State 665 Central Committee. 666 667 Section 4. Neutrality of State Executive Officers, Party Leaders, and Party Staff. Individual 668 members of the State and County executive committees and State Party Staff shall not endorse or 669 support any candidates in an intraparty contest in elections that the State Party and/or a County 670 Party is administering. 671 672 Section 5. State Executive Officer Stipend Pay 673 674 (i) The Utah State Democratic Party Executive Committee may request a stipend for 675 services performed by the following Executive Committee Officers as follows: 676 a. Chair – not to exceed $2,000 per month 677 b. Vice Chair – not to exceed $250 per month 678 c. Secretary – not to exceed $250 per month 679 d. Treasurer – not to exceed $250 per month 680 681 (ii) An Executive Committee Officer may receive a stipend payment only if all of the 682 following conditions are met: 683 a. The Utah Democratic Party is free of long-term or short-term debt, including but 684 not limited to notes payable, credit cards payable, past due accounts payable; 685 b. After stipend payment, bank account balances will have no less than a 3 month 686 reserve for operating expenses calculated on a 3 month rolling average of UDP 687 operating expenses; 688 c. All duties outlined in the Constitution and the Bylaws are performed and 689 complete for the officer for whom the stipend is requested; 690 d. The officer for whom the stipend is requested has completed and signed Internal 691 Revenue Service Form W-9, and the W-9 is on-file at party headquarters. 692 693 (iii) The process to request the stipend shall be as follows: 694 a. The stipend request shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for review. 695 b. On majority approval by the Executive Committee, the stipend request is 696 forwarded to the State Central Committee for majority approval. 697 c. Once the stipend request is approved by the State Central Committee, the 698 Executive Committee will manage the series of payments as approved and track 699 compliance with section 2 above. Further approval from the State Central 700 Committee for the same stipend request is not necessary, and the Executive 701 Committee has the power to cease stipend payments at any time. No payment may 702 be disbursed until the Executive Committee has a majority vote to approve 703 payment for the prior month of service. In no case may the Officer for whom a 704 stipend is being requested vote on their stipend award. 705 706 (iv) The approved term of payment may not extend beyond any Executive Committee 707 Officer’s term of office and must be renewed with each new term. 708 709 (v) An Executive Committee Officer shall not be considered an employee or have access 710 to UDP employment benefits for services rendered in the capacity of their elected 711 office. 712 713 ARTICLE VII: STANDING COMMITTEES 714 715 Section 1. General Membership Provisions. The State Central Committee shall make provision 716 for the Standing Committees enumerated in this Article. The responsibilities of these Standing 717 Committees are required, but not limited to, those enumerated in the section that defines the 718 Standing Committee. The State Central Committee may assign additional responsibilities to the 719 Standing Committees, but they are not to supplant those outlined herein. All Standing 720 Committees shall be constituted as set forth herein subject to the following: 721 (i) the membership of the Standing Committees shall be appointed by the State Chair 722 with the advice and consent of the State Central Committee at a meeting to be held 723 within ninety days following a State Organizing Convention; 724 (ii) there shall be one member on each Standing Committee representing each of the 725 Regions and additional members as set forth in the section that defines the Standing 726 Committee. The State Chair shall make an effort to choose nominees who are 727 representative of the Democratic Party electorate in the State of Utah; 728 (iii) members shall be appointed for a period of two years or until they are replaced, 729 whichever comes first; 730 (iv) the Standing Committee Chair shall be appointed by the State Chair from the 731 membership of that Standing Committee and shall serve at the pleasure of the State 732 Chair; 733 (v) the chair and vice-chair of each Standing committee shall become a member of the 734 State Central Committee; 735 (vi) the Standing Committees may meet as often as necessary. Meetings shall be called by 736 the Standing Committee Chair or, by the written request of no fewer than one-third of 737 the Standing Committee members. Notice of meetings shall be given prior to 738 adjournment of the previous meeting, by telephone contact five days in advance of 739 the meeting, or by mail five days in advance of the meeting; and, 740 (vii) each Standing Committee may provide for the establishment of sub-committees 741 which may consist of additional members to be appointed by the Standing 742 Committee. Any member of the Standing Committee from which a sub-committee is 743 derived shall be considered an ex-officio member of the sub-committee. 744 (viii) Members of the sub-committees who are not members of the Standing Committee 745 shall have no vote in a meeting of that Standing Committee. 746 747 Section 2. Rules Standing Committee. The Rules Standing Committee of the Utah State 748 Democratic Party shall be responsible for submitting to the proper authority amendments to the 749 Constitution, the Bylaws, the Party Rules and Procedures, the State Convention Rules, the 750 Affirmative Action/National Delegate Selection Plan, the procedures for the conduct of 751 elections, and the recognition procedure for County Democratic Parties. This Standing 752 Committee shall also be responsible for monitoring compliance with the rules that are set forth 753 and may submit alleged violations of compliance to the Judicial Standing Committee. The Rules 754 Standing Committee may provide for the formation of a sub-committee for the State Convention 755 Rules and procedures for the conduct of elections that includes as a part of its membership the 756 designate of any candidate for public office or party office who is challenged at the Convention. 757 This Rules Standing Committee shall consist of thirty members who shall be the State Secretary, 758 one member from each Region, and one member from each group of three legislative districts as 759 sequentially numbered by the State of Utah with preference given to any nominee who is a 760 former Delegate to the National Convention, a member of the State Central Committee, or a 761 State Delegate. A quorum of this Standing Committee shall be any number of members who are 762 in attendance at a meeting that has been called with appropriate notice. The Rules Standing 763 Committee of the Utah State Democratic Party shall provide for, insofar as is practical, the 764 maintenance of lists of members as set forth in Article I, Section 2, and determination of the 765 credentials for all public and party officials, delegates and committee members of the Utah State 766 Democratic Party. This Standing Committee shall also provide for reporting credentials when 767 requested by the State of Utah, the State Convention, the State Executive Committee, the State 768 Central Committee, and by Democratic candidate campaign committees. 769 770 Section 3. Judicial Standing Committee. The Judicial Standing Committee of the Utah State 771 Democratic Party shall provide for a Code of Fair Campaign Practices for adoption and 772 publication by the State Executive Committee, monitoring compliance with the Code of Fair 773 Campaign Practices, resolution of intra-party disputes, to act as a conference committee for 774 issues that cannot be resolved by other Standing Committees, provide for determining a failure 775 of compliance with the Utah State Democratic Party rules and to recommend resolution of 776 problems that arise from a failure of compliance, and may refer to the State Central Committee 777 recommendations for removal of a State Executive Officer, a member of the State Executive 778 Committee, or a member of the State Central Committee. The Standing Committee may make 779 provision for its meetings to be held in closed session with the proceedings being kept 780 confidential, except for the final report; a provision for all parties in a dispute to present their 781 side of the argument; and a provision for a party in a dispute to accept the recommended 782 resolution without notice to any other Committees. This Standing Committee shall consist of ten 783 members who shall be the State Chair, State Vice-Chair, the chief legal counsel for the Utah 784 State Democratic Party, one member from each Region, and one member from each group of 785 twenty-five legislative districts as sequentially numbered by the State of Utah with preference 786 given to any nominee who is concurrently a member of the Utah State Bar Association and a 787 member of the State Central Committee. A quorum of this Standing Committee shall be any 788 number of members who are in attendance at a meeting that has been called with appropriate 789 notice. 790 791 ARTICLE IX: SELECT COMMITTEES 792 793 Section 1. General Select Committee Provisions. The State Executive Committee or the State 794 Central Committee may establish Select Committees on any matter. The establishing motion for 795 the creation of a Select Committee shall be required to list the responsibilities, a specific 796 timetable, a budget, and the membership for the Select Committee. The Select Committee shall 797 be responsible for following the same rules set forth regulating the parent committee. The State 798 Executive Committee or State Central Committee may assign any responsibility to a Select 799 Committee, but they are not to supplant those outlined for the Standing Committees. All Select 800 Committees shall be constituted as set forth herein subject to the following: 801 (i) the membership of the Select Committees shall be appointed within thirty days 802 following the creation of the Select Committee by the State Chair; 803 (ii) membership shall be determined in the establishing motion; however, there shall be at 804 least one member on each Select Committee from each of the Regions. The State 805 Chair shall make an effort to choose additional members who are representative of 806 the Democratic Party electorate in the State of Utah within the guidelines of the 807 membership that is defined in the establishing motion; 808 (iii) the Select Committee Chair shall be appointed by the State Chair from the 809 membership of that Select Committee and shall serve at the pleasure of the State 810 Chair; 811 (iv) Select Committees may meet as often as necessary, but shall complete their work 812 within the timetable set forth in the establishing motion. Meetings shall be called by 813 the Select Committee Chair or, by the written request of no fewer than one-third of 814 the Select Committee members. Notice of meetings shall be given prior to 815 adjournment of the previous meeting, by telephone contact five days in advance of 816 the meeting, or by mail five days in advance of the meeting; 817 (v) each Select Committee may provide for the establishment of sub-committees, which 818 may consist of additional members to be appointed by the Select Committee. Any 819 member of the Select Committee from which a sub-committee is derived shall be 820 considered an ex-officio member of the sub-committee. Members of the sub- 821 committees who are not members of the Select Committee shall have no vote in a 822 meeting of that Select Committee; and, 823 (vi) a quorum of a Select Committee shall be any number of members who are in 824 attendance at a meeting that has been called with appropriate notice. 825 826 ARTICLE X: ISSUE AND IDENTITY CAUCUSES 827 828 Section 1. General Membership Provisions. Issue and Identity Caucuses of the Utah State 829 Democratic Party may be created as necessary from those who wish to identify themselves with 830 and work to better the Utah State Democratic Party. 831 (i) Any issue or identity caucus must receive a simple-majority vote from the State Central 832 Committee to officially be recognized by the Utah State Democratic Party. 833 (ii) Before a vote takes place in front of the State Central Committee, caucus members must 834 provide a list of at least 25 members who represent at least three or more counties, 835 provide a constitution and bylaws for their organization, and at least one leadership 836 representative must attend at least two State Central Committee meetings to answer any 837 questions. 838 839 Section 2. Recognized Democratic Caucuses. The Utah State Democratic Party currently 840 recognizes the following statewide Democratic caucuses: 841 (i) Asian American and Pacific Islander Caucus 842 (ii) Black Caucus 843 (iii) College Democrats 844 (iv) Disability Caucus 845 (v) Education Caucus 846 (vi) Environmental Caucus 847 (vii) Healthcare Caucus 848 (viii) Hispanic Caucus 849 (ix) Labor Caucus 850 (x) LDS Democrats 851 (xi) Native American Caucus 852 (xii) Progressive Caucus 853 (xiii) Rural Caucus 854 (xiv) Senior Caucus 855 (xv) Stonewall Democrats 856 (xvi) Veterans Caucus 857 (xvii) Women’s Caucus 858 (xviii) Young Democrats 859 860 ARTICLE XI: FULL PARTICIPATION 861 862 Section 1. Affirmative Action Plan. The Utah State Democratic Party pledges to uphold the 863 National Democratic Party’s Affirmative Action Plan. 864 865 Section 2. Residency and Age Requirements for Participation. Any person who will be 866 eligible to vote in Utah in the next general election and resides in the political subdivision for 867 which the political activity is conducted may be eligible to participate, except as otherwise 868 provided herein and in the Constitution, in precinct caucuses, state and County Conventions, 869 Democratic Party primary elections, state and County central and Executive Committees, and 870 state and County party office. 871 872 ARTICLE XII: GENERAL PROVISIONS 873 874 Section 1. Voting by Proxy. The members of the Democratic National Committee and/or the 875 Association of State Democratic Chairs may accept and designate a vote by proxy for use at 876 meetings of the Democratic National Committee or Association of State Democratic Chairs. 877 Otherwise, voting by proxy shall not be permitted at a meeting of the State Executive 878 Committee. 879 880 Section 2. Voting Methods. Voting at the State Convention or State Central Committee meeting 881 on amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws of the Utah State Democratic Party, resolutions, 882 platforms, motions or other issues may be done by voice vote, showing of hands, rising, general 883 consent, roll call, or ballot at the discretion of the Chair. Voting at State Conventions and State 884 Central Committee meetings shall be by ballot for the election of any person, unless the rules are 885 suspended for election by acclamation. Voted ballots shall be made available only for visual 886 inspection for the elections committee at Conventions and/or Central Committee meetings and 887 the candidates’ representatives in the counting room until the election report is adopted. The 888 Utah State Democratic Party shall then destroy all voted ballots and shall not retain any copies or 889 other records of voted ballots from any elections. 890 891 Section 3. Remote Participation. Members of the State Central Committee shall be allowed to 892 participate remotely in meetings and conversations. The State Democratic Party shall make all 893 efforts to provide for remote access, participation, and voting of State Central Committee 894 meetings so long as practically and financially feasible. Remote voting shall be through a secure 895 system and provide protections to ensure that it is the actual committee member casting the vote. 896 Remote participation shall be allowed at the State Convention as set forth herein. 897 898 Section 4. Public Announcement of Officers, Candidates and Delegates. At the earliest 899 practical date after the adjournment of a state or County Convention, the secretary of the 900 respective State or County party shall notify the Lieutenant Governor or County Clerk, as 901 appropriate, the names of the Party Officers or the Democratic nominees for public office elected 902 at the Convention. The State or County Party secretary shall respond to reasonable requests made 903 in writing by responsible persons requesting the names of party officers, candidates and 904 delegates. 905 906 Section 5. Access to Party Records. The Utah State Democratic Party shall provide reasonable 907 access to the records of the Utah State Democratic Party, except for those records pertaining to 908 matters of personnel, legal actions, and politically strategic or sensitive issues which are only to 909 be released with the authorization of the Chair of the Utah State Democratic Party. Decisions of 910 the Chair regarding authorization of access to records may be appealed to the State Executive 911 Committee. 912 913 Section 6. County Party Procedures. To the extent that County Parties have not written and 914 adopted rules and bylaws governing their processes for delegate selection, party officer election, 915 candidate nomination, filing candidate and party office vacancies, and other matters, the County 916 Party shall be expected to utilize substantially the same processes as those adopted and defined 917 in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Utah State Democratic Party or any other such model 918 bylaws recommended by the Rules and Elections Standing Committee. 919 920 Section 7. Caucus Procedures. To the extent that Democratic Party Caucuses have not written 921 and adopted rules and bylaws governing their processes regarding the purpose and timing of 922 meetings, election and removal of officers, membership, endorsing candidates, amending rules, 923 and other matters, the Caucus shall utilize model bylaws recommended by the Rules and 924 Elections Standing Committee. 925 926 Section 8. Tax Check Off Funds. In the event that a County has no organized County Party 927 Central Committee, the State Central Committee shall act in its stead for purposes of disbursing 928 funds obtained through the State of Utah’s Election Campaign Fund that are designated for that 929 County. 930 931 Section 9. Mail. Notification by mail that is required in these Bylaws or the Constitution of the 932 Utah State Democratic Party may be provided either by electronic mail or postal mail. 933 934 Section 10. Organizing Caucuses. Each precinct caucus may elect at least two members to the 935 County Central Committee and at least one delegate to the County Convention. The precinct 936 caucus may elect delegates to the State Convention, if provided for by the County Party State 937 Delegate Selection rules. The County Parties may allocate to a precinct more than one County 938 Delegate position based on written rules that use as a base for allocation either County Party 939 leaders, population, number of registered voters, some verifiable measure of Democratic Party 940 strength in that precinct as compared to the other precincts in the County, or some combination 941 thereof. If a County Party does not adopt a rule for allocation of delegates, they shall be allocated 942 in the same manner that the Utah State Democratic Party uses to allocate State Delegates. 943 Precinct caucus locations shall be held in places within or nearby the precinct which are 944 accessible and reasonably convenient to attendees, including people with disabilities. Vacancies 945 or replacements for people elected as County Delegates shall reside in or nearby the precinct, but 946 in no circumstances outside the State House District, for which the vacancy occurs and 947 preference must be given to persons living in the precinct for which the vacancy occurs. The 948 County Party shall determine the method of notification to the Utah State Democratic Party and 949 the County Party of the persons elected to serve in one or more of the following positions: 950 County Delegates, State Delegates, election judges, registration agents, and County Party Central 951 Committee members. Regardless of the method used the notification must be within seventy-two 952 hours after the conclusion of the caucus. If the Utah State Democratic Party requires a 953 Presidential Preference Vote to take place at the precinct caucus, the County Party determines 954 the method by which the results of the vote shall be transmitted to the Utah State Democratic 955 Party by telephone or facsimile within five hours after the conclusion of the precinct caucus. The 956 precinct caucus shall be prepared to conduct business for at least one hour. 957 958 Section 11. Legislative District Elections. Each Utah State House Legislative District shall have 959 the ability to elect a governing board with at least a Chair, and preferably a Vice-Chair, 960 Secretary, and Treasurer also, for two-year terms. 961 (i) Each Utah State House District that falls into a single county shall elect its governing 962 board at their respective County Organizing Convention. 963 (ii) Any multi-county Utah State House District shall have the ability to elect its governing 964 board at State Organizing Conventions. The Utah State Democratic Party Executive 965 Committee shall appoint interim multi-county Utah State House District officers as soon 966 as practicable following any changes to a Utah State House District boundary. The 967 interim officers shall serve until the adjournment of the next Organizing Convention. 968 969 ARTICLE XIII: AMENDMENTS 970 971 Section 1. General Provisions. The Bylaws shall be amended in the manner outlined in Article 972 XI, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Utah State Democratic Party. Additionally, any proposed 973 bylaw amendment shall be submitted in writing to the State Secretary at least eleven (11) days 974 before a Central Committee meeting or at or at least fifteen (15) working days before a State 975 Convention. The proposed amendment shall bear the signatures of five (5) members of the body 976 that will vote on the proposed amendment. The State Secretary shall include the proposed 977 amendment in a meeting notice sent to members. 978 979 The Rules Standing Committee chair, or if unavailable, the State Chair, shall present the 980 proposed bylaw amendment as written, allowing discussion and amendment from the floor. The 981 State Vice Chair shall incorporate any passed amendments and publish the bylaws as amended 982 within 48 hours. 983 984 Section 2. Resolutions Adopted by Convention. Article XIV of these bylaws shall be reserved 985 for amendments relating to the governance of the Party adopted by the State Convention. 986 987 988 Last amended: March 19, 2022, as approved by the Central Committee.